Confelicity are standing in the Leigh Town Council by-elections on October 3rd. A local party in the most local election going!
Updated: Sep 22, 2024
We are so proud to announce the candidacies of Jane Wilkes, standing in Highlands, and Tris Bembridge, standing in Thames, in the forth-coming Leigh Town Council by-elections on October 3rd.
As a local party devoted to local issues, running in a parish council election makes perfect sense for us.
We are aware that LTC was founded to be an independent organisation run for local residents and understand the controversy when the Conservatives stood unopposed in the last election.
I previously wrote a blog about how powerful and effective parish councils can be, so we are completely behind it:
Since that election thousands of Leigh residents have made their voices clear with protests and social media pressure. There was even a popular call to hold another election to allow others to stand. Alas, they did not take up that opportunity.
The competency of the Conservatives was called into question relentlessly and four Councillors have since resigned in a short space in time.
Although we share the same first three letters in our name, we are not the Conservatives. We are as local a party as they come and we love listening and debating issues with residents.
For those who believe LTC should be independent and without party politics - we wholeheartedly agree! However, we are not quite a normal party. We are ground-level, walk past us every day and grab a conversation with us local. We live and breath Southend. We all have a stake in our city being better in every way because any benefits will be directly felt by us. Our super-democratic approach allows all residents - regardless of party - to join us in a our manifesto meetings and vote on the subjects at hand. And…any vote must be unanimous for it to become policy. In other words, our candidates are free to act independently.
The introduction of Reform candidates is very interesting indeed. I wrote a blog about their manifesto recently, which I believe sheds a little more light of what they would like to see in the future:
To our candidates, Jane is Head of politics at a local school, whilst Tris is one of the most knowledgable guys I know about Southend politics. To find out more:
Our main themes include:
Protecting greenbelt land and preserving our green spaces, and supporting the movement against sewage in our seas.
Protecting LTC and LCC.
Showing the upmost respect to residents’ concerns, ideas and act in an open and transparent way to let everyone know what’s going on at the council.
You wouldn’t think a by-election in a parish council would bring so much excitement, but here we are!
May I wish all the candidates the very best of luck in the campaign. I know our candidates will be respectful and will keep things clean. I feel confident that will be the case for all involved.