Dear Thames Residents
Please allow me to introduce myself to you!
I'm a lifelong resident of the city and have held many employment roles including the homeless sectors and licensed retail trades management.
I have volunteered with young persons and also substance users too, such as those fighting alcohol addiction.
These were very rewarding and I hope to do more in the future.
I grew up in Leigh and can remember when we had 7 Banks, half day closing on Wednesdays in Broadway Shops and even when the referendum on creating Leigh-on-Sea Town Council took place!
Leigh is always in my heart and continues to be.
I don't mind sharing with you I live with disability first hand in the form of epilepsy. A benefit is that I can empathise with disabled people and hope to see their voice in the City is heard in order that disability can be turned into ability.
I am a fanatic campaigning against sewage spilling into our beaches and preserving our green spaces. All these environmental issues are very dear to my heart.
In the main Thames, Leigh and Southend is an amazing place to live, but that's not to say the ward is not without its issues and this is where you come in, please, I am here to listen, act and aim to deliver what you want to see in your ward.
My priorities for this election are simple:
- Council Tax
- Our Pensioners
- Our disabled
- Our green spaces
Leigh Tax Precept has crept up for years on end now, ever since it's creation in the 1990's, and as hard as it may be to imagine now, Band D Council Tax at time of creation was a mere £10.
Over many years since 2010, Councils have been given the green light to raise Council Tax up to 5% every year unhindered and it has become the accepted norm in our United Kingdom. Isn't it time to get these rises down?
Almost without exception everyone has to pay at least a percentage towards their Council Tax, surely it should be the case that Council's - instead of assuming 5% to be a given, see it rather a target to come under and smash, I say you do more with less and do the latter.
Therefore, I pledge to you never to vote in favour of a rise without its absolute necessity.
So why am I so keen to keep it's cost down? Our pensioners are likely to be hit with a triple whammy over coming months: a cut to winter fuel Payments, rising energy bills, and a smash and grab raid on pensions. This gets even worse if you have care costs to pay on top.
Our pensioner's service is our foundation to the building blocks of our society today, But sadly, the stark reality of the plight of many will go unheard. Many pensioners do suffer in silence, and an excessive rise in the council tax precept on top of all that is being burdened on them and is, in my view - and I do feel the view of the many - too much to ask.
Bringing me on to Disabled and Disabled/SEND children, parents also have many struggles when challenged with a real disability. Being registered Severely Sight Imparted or Blind in old terms, I can personally vouch for this, but many do not realise we pay Council Tax and care charges where applicable too.
Disabled school children have immeasurable care needs and often parents who can scrape the money together have to pay for Private Education as State Provision can be Non-existent, and of course you'll now be paying tax - to pay for provision of those without SEND needs.
Caring for someone with dementia? You need every last penny you can muster. So, I apologise if this sounds like I am on a bandwagon of keeping LTC Council Tax Precept lo. In the grand scale of things it has compassion at its core.
But it's time to do MORE for LESS going forward.
I pledge to you to vote AGAINST any excessive tax or fee rises, and never forget - I am at your service.
Along with helping you HALT the proposed green belt development at the Country Park, let's get to work.
I will never lose sight of the fact you would be my boss, and I would never seek to dictate to you - you speak - I listen.
Thank you for your consideration.
Best Wishes, Tris.
Thames Ward Candidate for The Residents Party (Confelicity)
Please feel free to email me at to discuss any issues, ideas, or simply have your voice heard about Thames.