Dear Highlands Residents
I have lived in the community of Leigh for 24 years. Hardly born and bred, but I love this place; the community spirit, the great outdoors on our doorsteps – both the seafront and nature reserves, the thriving culture and the sense of opportunity to get involved, to make a difference.
My children were brought up here, attended local state schools in the borough and regularly thank me for moving here – to a place where they feel safe and valued.
As a teacher of Politics (and History) at a local secondary school I instil the values (I hope!) of participating in the community you live in. I’ve been active in politics in the past but I’ve never taken the plunge to stand for election. That’s because I’ve never found a party that is so focused on local
issues, issues that affect the immediate community I feel a part of.
I am passionate about making the local area a place for young people to thrive. From utilising open spaces, to encouraging participation in local initiatives, and ensuring they have prospects for a viable future, we have a responsibility to ensure our young people have opportunities in an area they are proud to call home.
I am standing as the candidate for the ward of Highlands, the ward I live in, and if elected I will serve your interests as best I can. I would like to hear from you about your concerns and ideas on how to improve both the immediate ward and the borough wide area. I know there are continuing concerns about anti-social behaviour and parking issues, as well as wider concerns about improving the environment without imposing restraints on people going about their everyday life. If elected I would listen to and voice those concerns for you.
I am also acutely aware of the issues surrounding LTC at the moment and would like to assure you that I wholeheartedly support its continuation and the same for Leigh Community Centre. I must also add that our greenbelt and green spaces must retained and will be against any developments that threaten this.
The Confelicity party is not beholden to national political agendas.
I have joined a party of ‘doers’, people who listen and organise in the community to make local surroundings better. I want to give you a voice in what you’d like to see improved, allow you to participate. And that’s all part of it – everyone’s voice is of equal weight. A true democracy.
Like many of you I had never heard of the Confelicity party. What does it mean? ‘Happiness in other people’s happiness’ – isn’t that what community is all about? Feeling that everyone feels included
and supported and able to enjoy their surroundings?
All I want is for people to feel happy, connected, and lead fulfilling lives. That’s why I am standing as a candidate to represent you, the
people of Highlands.