Hi there, I'm so excited to introduce myself! My name is Jolene Hills and I'm a proud entrepreneur who has owned and operated multiple businesses in Southend. My mother is one of my biggest inspirations and she has shown me the business ropes having run many across Southend. One of my recent ventures is the Cobham Hotel in Westcliff, which I acquired just before lockdown which, as you can imagine, was a difficult time. However, we successfully got through it and I am proud to see the business thriving.
I have 2 children who I adore and who I want to grow up in a city that will give them the best chance of being happy and healthy. As it happens, one of my daughters is studying politics so she will always be on hand if needed!
As a born-and-bred Southend resident, I've always had a deep love for our city. However, I couldn't help but notice that there were areas for improvement. For example, I strongly believe that Southend Pier, one of the town's most iconic landmarks, needs more at the end of it. Perhaps I am pointing out the obvious!
As a can-do person, I'm always eager to roll up my sleeves and tackle any challenge head-on. I manage on the ground-floor, so I am used to dealing with all manner of people issues. It is this experience I hope to bring to the residents of St Luke's.
I am thrilled to be getting more involved in my community to see what I can do to help. I believe that by working together, we can make Southend an even better place to live, work, and visit. So if you're looking for a passionate and dedicated partner to help you make a positive impact, look no further. I can't wait to see what we can accomplish together!
I am enormously excited to be the St Luke's Confelicity candidate and look forward to meeting residents throughout the year in my journey to become a Councillor at the next local elections.